E.J. Leizerman & Associates, LLC is a law firm recognized in the field of Railroad Law, primarily representing injured railroad employees under the Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA), the Locomotive Inspection Act (LIA) and the Safety Appliance Act (SAA).

For over forty years of practice, our lawyers have handled precedent setting Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA) cases and our firm is uniquely positioned to understand the needs of railroad workers and their families.

The FELA, or Federal Employer’s Liability Act, was passed by Congress in 1908.  The injuries that railroad workers suffer are typically as a result of being exposed to unhealthy or unsafe working conditions.  When railroad negligence is the cause of these injuries the company may be held liable for the worker’s damages under the FELA.

Working on a railroad is a dangerous job, something Congress recognized when they passed the Federal Employer’s Liability Act.  Injuries sustained while working around these steel behemoths are frequently permanent and so severe that the railroad worker can no longer safely perform his job, ending his career with the railroad.

Railroad laborers who sustain injury while working are not eligible for compensation via the same avenues as other workers under no-fault worker’s compensation laws; rather, they must show that the railroad company had committed some form of negligence which played a proximal role in causing the worker’s injuries.  While this may seem an onerous burden to place on the worker, relative to the usual no-fault worker’s compensation, the FELA also permits the injured worker to seek compensation beyond the pay lost while he missed work due to the injury.  Under the FELA, an injured railroad employee may seek compensatory damages for the wage loss differential he may suffer in the future should he no longer be able to work on the railroad anymore, and other compensation for the change of lifestyle that so often comes with a serious injury.